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  1. Member
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    Apr 2005

    Re: Testimonies (Stratos 285)

    <table width="90%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center><tr><td>Quote, originally posted by Stratos 285 &raquo;</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">First off, let me say that I'm not much of a speaker and haven't shared much with anyone in person. I have trouble telling people how I feel. Maybe this will help me make another step in the right direction and come out of "my shell" and be able to be more vocal about what the Lord has done for me.

    I grew up in a Christian home. My dad is a preacher and you know what they say about PK's. I am now 33 yrs old, married and have a 5 yr. old daughter. I was saved when I was 8, baptized by my dad and everything was great until my teenage years. I guess that's when the rebelion kicked in. I hear people say how tough it is to be a preacher's kid and I'm not going to argue. Everyone is constantly watching you and when you slip, it gets thrown up in his face. But being a PK is no excuse for the choices I've made. I made my own decisions.

    I won't bore you with all the details, but I got into the drinking and other things during high school and let it carry over into my college years. I had a full paid scholarship and dropped out after 2 yrs. What was I doing?

    I got married at 20 and wasn't a very good role model husband for the first 12 yrs. The reason I say that is because first and foremost, I DIDN'T TAKE MY FAMILY TO CHURCH. Instead, I was drinking and I had grown a rather extensive vocabulary of words that I wish now that I had never heard before. There was nothing in my life visible to the world to show that I had been saved.

    Last year, my wife started taking my daughter to church. And I'm ashamed of that, only because as the head of the family, I should have been taking them all along. It took my daughter (4 at that time) comming home from church on Sunday and telling me she learned about God for me to get off my lazy butt and start going to church. So, I go to church with them one Sunday and have been going ever since. It's been about a year now since we joined the church and in October of 2004, my daughter got saved. What a blessing being able to witness your own child being baptized and seeing the difference that God has made in their life. One day she was staring up at the sky and I asked her what she was doing, she said "I'm talking to God". It made me want to cry.

    I have now been married for 13 yrs. to a wonderful wife who knows the Lord and has been supportive in everything I've done. I have a 5 yr. old daughter who knows the Lord, and talks to him daily. I have a roof over my head, a job, a healthy family, an ongoing growing relationship with my Savior and a wonderful church family..............and I don't deserve any of it. God has been so good to us.

    Sorry for being a little long winded but I hope that someone reading this gets half the enjoyment I got out of being able to write it.


    Wow...bringing up a 6 year old post I made and reading the first line made me laugh. Let me tell you that a lot has changed since I wrote this. Here I am 6 years later, an ordained minister, serving as Associate Pastor and currently taking seminary classes. Wow...God is good...all the time!!

    I look back now and joke about a speech class I had to take in college. When I got through I said I would never be in a profession where I had to speak in front of large crowds. I think if I would have been quiet, I could have probably heard God laughing. His plans were a lot different than mine.

    1993 Stratos 285 Pro XL Red/Silver
    1993 Evinrude 150 Intruder

  2. Member
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    North Chesterfield, Virginia

    Re: Testimonies (Stratos 285)

    There is an old saying Chris..."Man plans...and God laughs."

    It's happened to me more than once.

  3. Member
    Join Date
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    Northeast Texas

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    Well this is my testimony as a former bass tournament fisherman and where God is leading me and has lead me. Back until 1991 I had lived my entire life in north Louisiana; 30 years, moved to east Texas 20 years ago. I grew up fishing but never fished for largemouth bass much until I was in my late teens in the 70's. At about 22 years of age I bought my first boat; mostly a basket case, and I breathed the breath of life back into it. A 14 foot Eldocraft Eldosport IV with 25 hp Merc. I owned a another boat or two after that one but was wanting something I could bass fish out of, had no desire to tournament fish what so ever, maybe a little bit. I decided I was going to purchase a new boat more geared to bass fishing so I started looking for something that would fit my budget and decided I was going to buy a Glassstream Stinger 140. I had gone to get an invoice for one so I could take it to the bank to get financing the next day and as God would have it, that wasn't his plan for me, he had something better. I got home from the boat dealership and as soon as I walked in the door my phone rang. It was my neighbor who had just purchased a fairly new Ranger 320V a few months earlier. He heard I was buying a new boat and was contacting me to sell me his. I knew what he gave for that boat and it was way beyond what I was about to spend for the new Glasstream boat and I knew I couldn't afford it and I told him so over the phone, but he insisted that I come down and look at it because he said he was about to make me a deal of a life time. So I did. The boat actually belonged to his son and he had cosigned for him to get it. They were about to loose it to the bank because his son had been injured in an offshore oil rig boating accident and could no longer make the payments. They let me have that boat for about half of what it was worth and I couldn't believe it. Soon after I bought that boat someone talked me into entering my first bass tournament, again God entervened and I won that tournament. Some of the things I have enjoyed most in life I just sort of backed into, not really intentionally trying to do at all and this was no exception. I was bitten by the tournament bug hard. I went home and imediatley started buying more equipment and lures, finding more tournaments to fish, and looking for a bigger and better boat (which never seemed to stop)...I had been a Christian since I was 13 but had been back sliden since before I got out of high school, I had also become a weekend warrior alchoholic by the age of 18. When I started all this I was still single at that point and stayed that way until I was 31 years old and I met my wife. Anyway, I had let this sport and all the things that go with it become and idol or a god and it was top priority, everything else was a distant second and God really wasn't even in the picture. I worshipped my boat and my equipment and it was rather apparent by how meticuluosly I maintained it all. Every spare dime I had went toward bass fishing. I can remember even when I met my wife and we went out on our first date. We went to the Dallas Boat Show to look at new rigs because I was getting ready to buy another one. We got married about 4 months later and I continued to tounament fish. Our first child was born about a year after we had been married and when he came a long that is when God begin to really work on me. I was still drinking, but had given up smoking already, another nasty habit I had developed. I can remember thinking even before he was born that I had to give up the drinking because I didn't want him to see what it does to his daddy and I didn't want him to follow in my footsteps. I stopped that right then and there. A few years down the road; my son was probably about 5 year old, my next door neighbors invited us to go to a Christmas program at their church. I hadn't darkened the doors of a church in several years at that point in my life. God had been working on me for some time to get back where I belonged and this was his opportunity to close the deal. We started attending that church from that day forward and God really started making changes in my life. I began to listen to christian music a lot and started reading the Bible but things still weren't right. I still worshipped tournament fishing, but God was moving closer to the top where he belonged. I can remember driving to the lakes to practice and listening to christian music all the way because I thought by doing this God would make me a better fisherman; not so, God don't make deals and it seemed when I would do this I would have the worst days on the lakes ever. I could listen to secular music and have and awesome day. Again God was speaking to me through this situation but I wasn't listening, I just figured I needed to listen to more secular music. God wasn't done with me by a long shot though. My wife and I bought a house and begin to remodel it using credit cards. This and a couple of other things was the beginning of the end. The first thing we knew we were in debt up to our eyeballs. The latest boat; a new Nitro, was sitting in the garage collecting dust because I could no longer afford to use it. The last couple of years I owned it I used it twice I think, maybe more but not much. We wound up having to sell it because we had a new god in our lives and it was our house, it was eating us alive financially. I felt like I had been stripped of my life at that point because the tournament game was such a big part of my life. At one point I was video taping all the Bassmaster shows off of TNN and and would set a cry like a baby because I hadn't gotten there yet and wanted that more than anything in the world. It took me a while to realize why all this happened, I was worshipping the things of this world and not God. We eventually sold the house and bought another one, got rid of all the exccesive debt, and had another child. These days I walk with the Lord and sometimes let my kids get in the way of my relationship with God but for the most part He is first and the more I worship, pray and study the Bible the less that happens. I have since become a member of a cowboy church and I'm not even a cowboy. I have become the Sunday morning and Wednesday night service prayer leader and God has really blessed me over the past few years. I haven't owned a bass boat since March of 2000, but hear lately the bug has really been after me to get another boat and get back in the game. I pray about this a lot and if God leads me in that direction I pray that I will always put Him first. I pray that I can use this situation to bring others to Christ. Please pray for me. Thanks
    2012 ZX200 Skeeter
    2012 Yamaha Vmax SHO

  4. spot slayer
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    valley grand, al

    Re: Testimonies (ogles824)

    This is a great testimony because they way u were doing I was doing the same and before every tournament I would pray about it and all and it would end up being a bust fir me on the water. But I've also been sitting here wondering tonight about how I've back sliden, even though I go to church just about every Sunday and Wednesday im still filling a sense that I've lost touch with god or something. I am actually thinking about going to sit down with my preacher next week and jus talk with him some about how I've been feelinglately to see if I can get some insight, because I just kinda feel like things r not right for me. Which I am stressing myself out a little bit more now over different things because im wanting to marry my wonderful girlfriend, which by the way has helped drive me closer to god, and also I've decided to sell my boat and im trying to get a house and so on and so on... I don't know if im nuisance stretching myself to thin or what but what I do know is that I've lost that touch from god that I urge to have.. sorry for this being so long I jus mentioned to foment on ur post and well I jus kinda felt led to continue typing..

  5. spot slayer
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    valley grand, al
    Sorry for the bad grammar but between autospell and me posting this from my phone not everything I type comes out like I want it

  6. Member
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    Pell City

    Re: (buddyboy)

    Man !!!.... I guess I could write many pages right here, but will spare you all the details of my life. My mom and dad drug all of us kids (5) to church somewhere usually 3 times a week if/while we were still living at home. To put it mildly, life has definitely been a road of many twist and turns, and ups and downs for me. Although I came from a rather low income family, we never knew we were poor. My dad was a construction worker all his life, so bad weather constantly interrupted his income. We hardly ever got what we wanted, but always got what we really needed. Now, a grown man with a family of my own, that still seems to be the case. I've seen many times when I thought that there was no way, when God stepped in and made a way. Only now can I see, where God had a hand in many things for me. He knew what I needed, and what I needed to live without....and to this day still does. It's took me many years to learn to quit saying "why me Lord".........I guess maybe time has now tested the promise that he has not, nor ever will forsaken or abandoned me, and this time has given me even more faith that he never ever will. Even in this day and time that we are all living in, when it appears that all hell is breaking loose, I still have hope for my future. I find this hope, not through faith in man and his ways, but in the faith of God and the promises that he has made. My Bible tells me that God is never slack in his promise, and so far I've found this to be true.
    I'll be the first to admit that this life we're living today makes me stand back at times and take great pause. As I look at many who are falling now through these difficult times, I thank God that he has had the mercy to see us through another day. I hear many who speak the troubling words of Jesus in the 21st chapter of Luke, but they seldom stress enough the most important verse of it....

    """Luke 21; 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.""""

    That said, I know only too much that my own salvation has been worked out in "fear and trembling" , and no doubt that I fall way short in what I should is this day of redemption that I'm looking for. I've grown tired, and so has many of God's people now. Who among us will be able to still stand if these days of pure evil continue to haunt us ?

    It's past time for preachers to preach, and Christians to say....."lift up your heads"......go boldly before the throne of God with prayers.... stand courageous in the face of evil...... it's more than past time to believe in and say.................

    Psalm 68:1 (Whole Chapter)
    Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

    It's past time to find comfort in and say.....

    1st Thes 4; 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

    15For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

    16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    18Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

    It is this that I go to bed with each night, and awake with each morning..........I'm...

    Titus 2:13 (Whole Chapter)
    Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

    My friends, I really can't tell you how to find more faith in these times that we live in, but I will tell you this before I close my reply to this post here......never ever give up. Fight the good fight of faith, even to the end. Have faith in God that every little thing will be alright in the outcome of things. Be brave in your works, and let God lead the way. Hold firm to his words, and the promises he made.

    Last but not least..... PRAY.....continually giving thanks to the one who really gives. May God richly bless you is my prayer, and whatever it may take, let God correct this nation back to it's true "greatness". We shall overcome !!!!!

    Also pray for me, for I too need answers for many problems each day.


  7. spot slayer
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    valley grand, al

    Re: (Diddle)

    This is a great post. I was actually getting off work Sunday morning from work and was pulling in the drive way when I got the email from this and for some reason it just kinda got me when I read it because I had had a good talk with good just a few hours before this while I was at work

  8. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: (buddyboy)

    I have read this section off and on for years. I thought I might share my testimony with you. I grew up in a home where God's love wasn't spoken of very often. My parents worked most weekends and never took me to church. A spark was started in my life when I attended church with a friend when I was in middle school.

    Life went on and I didn't attend again until I went with roomates in college one Easter. Again it felt like home. Like a place I wanted to be, but I didn't "open the door" when Jesus was knocking. I did start to attend another church while in college on a sporadic basis and I realized in every sermon that the Lord was speaking to me through our pastor. But stubbornly, I ignored and resisted.

    Then several years ago I was approached by people knocking on doors in my neighborhood and talking of Christ. This again was Jesus knocking on my door (quite literally). I did give in. I realized Jesus was there with me, and I began to pray more often, although it was selfish and for all the wrong reasons. I at least was making an attempt to talk to God. After that my wife and I decided that we would start attending a church in the town we lived in. We became "regulars" but never joined.

    Then we moved. After the move, we attended a couple new churches in our new hometown. I felt the pull of Jesus on my heart and knew I needed his help and his grace. I wanted to raise my children with the Lord Jesus by my side, and not as my parents had done. In our new hometown, we found an amazing group of people in a southern baptist church, and through God's grace, not only was I baptized, but my wife (who was pregnant with our daughter at the time) was baptized at the same time. The walk since then has not been easy, as I realize that a sinner like me sometimes has trouble growing in his faith. But I could not imagine spending the rest of my life as I was. Now my life has purpose. I hope to spend each day to glorify God, to raise my children to know God's love, and to hopefully bring my parents to God as well. I have my work cut out for me, and I fail quite often (every day), but I can do all things through Christ.

  9. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    I can not begin to tell all that the Lord has done for me, He just sent me to the doctor with what I thought was a cold and I was having a heart attack, they got it under control and did a heart cath and found I had 70% blockage's behind my heart (in the area they call the "widowmaker" and got me back headed in the right direction. I must say that " I am so thankful that the Lord dont treat me like I treat him " I give all the Glory what I am and will be to him


  10. Banned
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Va

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    Hello BBC. I just signed up and figured here would be a good place to get started.

    Short Testimony

    I grew up in Central Virginia and spent a little time in church when I was a kid but once I got older I strayed away, very far away. I had my share of what I thought was fun(drinking and drugs) and you can guess where that lead me, nowhere. I got multiple DUI's and lost my right to drive for 10 years. When it was time to try and get my license back the court made it mandatory that I attend AA meetings and thats where it started to turn around. Oh, I forgot to mention that I had several divorces along the way and lost everything several times. Once I started getting my stuff straight I started hunting down a female friend again and lucky for me Wendy found me. She is a Christian(Southern Baptist) and I started going with her to church and things started getting even better. I have somewhat been in the lure making business for a about 15 years but was struggling since most of my focus was on having fun instead of working. Well since I have given my life to Christ that has all changed. Wendy and I got married on August 9 last year and my business is now great. I have faith that The Lord will guide me during my travels and I really look forward to sharing them with you all here.


    D & W Customs

  11. Member
    Join Date
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    Tupelo Mississippi
    Hello brothers and sisters. I do not have an elaborate testimony other than one day in october of 2004 I heard the knock at the door and finally opened the door and let the Lord into my life. There were several different things going on in my life at that time I was going thru a divorce while training up for a deployment overseas. I kept looking for satisfaction in other forms. I made my public confession in front of all my peers on a firing range. God has since blessed me with a wife and 3 kids and we attend church togethr. My oldest (step) daughter is 8 and getting to the age of accountability and looking forward to the day makes her profession of faith. God is good.

  12. Member
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    Hi to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    Tim Lane here and I am a Christian borned again since 1997. My second daughter was on her way and my wife and I were headed in the wrong direction. Although she was living the life as she professed, I wasn't. I was at church with my first born and my wife one Sunday and the pastor was speaking to me or should I say God was speaking to me. The tug on my cleared my soul...and cleansed me from sin. Thank God each and every day for that day. My wife and I are closer than ever before as we have now grown together. My oldest is now married and my first grandchild is on the way...Amen. My mom always went to church but not my dad. Dad had always been a moral man but only lacked one thing in his life. I prayed for God to speak to him through me or whomever he would listen to. I am very proud to say that 7 years ago, I helped baptise my father. He is a great man and more importantly a great Christian man. I like to think that I am alot like him and that our heavenly father is pleased with both of us. I would ask for all your prayers that we can all live according to his will and that we can all meet in heaven some day and hopefully convince as many people as possible to accept Jesus as their Saviour....Amen and God Bless you all.

  13. Member
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    NW Indiana
    In 2003 i fell off a tube @ Table Rock going about 60 MPH/ yeah i am 63 years old now it was fun until i couldn't walk/ i ended up in 2004 with cancer due to a virus that attacked the hip i cracked ( never went to the hospital when it happened, manned up ) My God let me know he was with me in the end HE healed me and i give him the praise everyday, had i died from it, his will be done but i didn't and today i am still working with youth/ thanks you Lord!!!

  14. Member American Bassman's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    A place I don't want to be.
    Guess it’s my turn to take a crack at this. For the 34 years that I’ve been alive I’ve never been much of a believer in God. I have my reasons, but this is where I’m at right now in my life. I was brought up to work hard and stay out of trouble, and that’s been how I’ve been my whole life. I have never been drunk or drank for that matter, because I didn’t want to be like my Dad. I never even tried drugs of any kind. I started working in high school and never looked back. Well I got married in 2004 and in 2006 we had our first child, in a small town that I worked in, however I did not want to raise a family in that town because it did not have anything to offer. So I moved two hours away to where I grew up, even though I continued to work in that small town. I thought I was doing the right thing….. You know providing for my family. Well fast forward to 2012 and a second child later my Wife tells me on Christmas Eve that she wants a Divorce and she wants to move back home to the small town that she grew up in and that I work in. I was crushed!! I messed up.I put work first and family second and even though I tried to turn my life around a few months ago by falling in love with her all over again. It was too little too late. I never listened to her wants and needs, and she just let it build up till she couldn’t take it anymore. I begged and pleaded to do anything to keep our marriage together, but her mind was made up. Not seeing my kids every day is killing me, not to mention we're selling our house, so I have to find a place to rent for now. I don’t want to fish or hunt, or eat for that matter. I cry almost every day, and I’ve had a ton of bad thoughts go through my head, especially when I’m alone. My 2 kids keep me from doing anything stupid, but the pain is what I have never felt before. I’m alone!
    It wasn’t till last week I decided to do a search here on BBC. I searched (Divorce) just to see if anyone was going through what I amr ight now. I found an old thread and a guy posted a music video of Sanctus Real(Lead Me) for the guy. I clicked on it and cried my eyes out through the whole song. Since then I’ve been on this board everyday just reading a little at a time and listening to Sanctus Real songs. Tomorrow I’m going to a book store to find the book The Case for Christ, because it was recommended on this board also. I figure it will help me understand the bible more. I do have a friend that is going to help me with believing when I move back. I actually want to go to Church and get Baptized and try to better myself and leave the old stubborn me in the past.
    I know I have a good heart, and that I’m going to be the best Dad I can be to my two kids, but I think letting God in will help also. I said my first prayer the other day and it felt good. My best friend also keepsme moving in the right direction by telling me to Man Up and keep moving forward. And that my wife will realize that she made a huge mistake and regret it one day. I still love her and will continue to be her friend for the sake of my kids.
    Well that’s where I’m at right now, but the worst is still to come at the end of this month when the divorce is final and the house sales and I have to move back to a state and town that I hate just to be close to my kids. The Perfect Storm. But my kids are all that matter right now.
    I’m all ears if anyone wants to give advice or a prayer.
    Last edited by American Bassman; 02-16-2013 at 05:43 PM.

  15. Member
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    NW Indiana

    God spared my leg from a staff infection i received from surgery in my left ankle in 2001. The doctors were going to cut it off at the knee ( by the way i am a carpenter) 200 IV's later and 1 additional surgery i recovered, then in 2004 i cracked my left hip joint and over a 3 year span caught a virus and it turned to Non Hodgins Lyphoma and i fell apart but God again was merciful and after a year of Chemo and rediation and 6 years later Praise God i am still in remission of by the way i worked all but 4 days in that year (as an CM ) PTL. He had something to show me and His mercies are beyond my comprehension.

  16. Member Obsessed's Avatar
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    West Plains, Mo
    First, Thank You guys for all the testimonies! I read each and everyone of them. What an awesome thing to get to read other peoples testimonies, each one touched my heart!

    I am a Christian, have been for many many years. A bad work experience has hardened my heart towards other people. I ended up leaving that job 10 months ago and taking a new job, close to the Lakes. Have been in Church my whole life, but after moving couldn't get in the routine of going. After a few months we found a Church and started going. Kids were more into it than I was if I had to be honest, it is a big Church and I come from a small one. Anyway after a few months it felt right so we went forward and became members, I forgot how uncomfortable going forward was. Anyway to make a long story short our new Church just started a new study......40 Days of Love! That is hilarious, yet so like God. I have lost the want to Love the people outside my direct family. I can tell you that deep in side me I never lost it, but I let something come between my want to show people love. I am excited to get into this study. My heart yearns for this, but I am going to be honest, I still feel that old I ain't gonna do it feeling. I want to be better at showing the love God has in me and am really itching to get these lessons done so I can be a better man.

    As a Christian we know we are to Love and to show Love. But sometimes we get a little callused to the world and what they do. I actually remember hearing people say this same thing in their testimonies and I thought to myself that I couldn't believe a person of faith would get hardened to the point they would stop showing people the Love of God. But I now have been there and I am on my way back. (wow, I feel like just putting this out there is actually helping me) If y'all have time pray for me.

    Ain't God good!
    2017 Ranger RT188, Dual Console, Crystal Red Metallic, Mercury 115 Pro XS Four Stroke, Command Thrust with Tempest 24P, 52 MPH GPS @ 5200 RPM
    Motor Guide 80 lb Xi5 Pin Point/GPS , Lowrance HDS 7 w/Totalscan @ Console, Lowrance Elite 7 TI @ Bow; Romans 6:23

  17. Member harlom97's Avatar
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    Boyle, MS
    Quote Originally Posted by rayz379 View Post
    By the grace of God I have dealt with alcoholism. I have endured the affects of prison due to 3 DUI's, wrecked many vehicles, and nearly lost my children because of the affects alcohol had on me. The 19th of this month I celebrated my 8th yr sober and I owe it to the Lord above for each and every day I am able to face life and its trials without the presence of alcohol.Thank you Jesus one more time for another 24 hrs clean & sober, AMEN.
    awesome brother

  18. Member harlom97's Avatar
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    Boyle, MS
    Quote Originally Posted by Obsessed View Post
    First, Thank You guys for all the testimonies! I read each and everyone of them. What an awesome thing to get to read other peoples testimonies, each one touched my heart!

    I am a Christian, have been for many many years. A bad work experience has hardened my heart towards other people. I ended up leaving that job 10 months ago and taking a new job, close to the Lakes. Have been in Church my whole life, but after moving couldn't get in the routine of going. After a few months we found a Church and started going. Kids were more into it than I was if I had to be honest, it is a big Church and I come from a small one. Anyway after a few months it felt right so we went forward and became members, I forgot how uncomfortable going forward was. Anyway to make a long story short our new Church just started a new study......40 Days of Love! That is hilarious, yet so like God. I have lost the want to Love the people outside my direct family. I can tell you that deep in side me I never lost it, but I let something come between my want to show people love. I am excited to get into this study. My heart yearns for this, but I am going to be honest, I still feel that old I ain't gonna do it feeling. I want to be better at showing the love God has in me and am really itching to get these lessons done so I can be a better man.

    As a Christian we know we are to Love and to show Love. But sometimes we get a little callused to the world and what they do. I actually remember hearing people say this same thing in their testimonies and I thought to myself that I couldn't believe a person of faith would get hardened to the point they would stop showing people the Love of God. But I now have been there and I am on my way back. (wow, I feel like just putting this out there is actually helping me) If y'all have time pray for me.

    Ain't God good!
    yes He is. Thanks brother. I needed that

  19. Member
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    Two Thursdays ago I had a Doctor tell me I had a cancerous liesion on my tounge. The Veterans Affairs Hospital put this diagnosis on the fast track and I saw a Throat and mouth Specialist at the Topeka, Kansas medical cent e r and it took him less than a minute to say I DO NOT HAVE CANCER.

    The first thing I did after initial diagnosis was to go to St Francis Xavier Parish in St Joseph Missouri and seek a priest. They were all not in so I told the lovely sectratary what was going on and asked to a look me into the santuary to pray.
    After that I came to you guy's and gal's asking for your prayers. Later that evening I told my dearest daughters the diagnosis.

    I received prayers from great people including the members here. I continue to thank The Father Son And Holy Spirit for sparing my life.

    I cannot thank you folks enough for your prayers that had such a positive impact on my time of need.

    Thank you, thank you thank you for your prayers.

  20. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    On New Years morning Jan 1 2019 about 6am while preparing breakfast for my wife of 54 years, I started having symptoms of a heart attack. As I handed her, her coffee I asked her to drive me to the ER. Without hesitation we were off. While in the ER it was determined that I was in destress and treatments were started, and since this was Jan 1 the search for a treatment center that was open was under way. After 2-3 hours a hospital 40 mi. away said they had a open bed and a Cardio staff present. Shortly I was on the roughest ride of my life/. The people who build, purchase these EM vehicles should first have be a patient in one! After arriving, about 2.5 hrs I went into Operation room Where they cleared, blasted-their word,a 90% blocked artery on the right side of my heart. As they were in the process, they entered my heart through my right wrist. While in this process they dislodged some plaque that made its way to my brain causing a stroke to occur in the area of the senses, sight-smell-taste- etc.
    While in recovery, with a extreme headache, probably stroke related, they related that the two arteries on the left side were also blocked 80-90% ,but in my present condition I had almost no chance of survival if they continued. After about 24 hrs. of recovery and observation, I was allowed to return home with medications and strict instructions to regroup for what would have to be a second operation. Shortly after returning home, I started having stroke related problems and was off to the ER again, only this ER trip was with regular staff on duty and was not nearly as smoothly ran. After being there for over 12 hrs. And couldn't even get Tylenol prescribed for this pain. After locating a room in a Indy hospital, and 14 hrs waiting , I took another bone jarring ride through the potholes of Indy. two days later , after being treated and stabilized I once again returned home.
    This past Wed Mar 20 2019 I returned for my, hopefull, final o.p. At about 5.30 pm I entered the op room . Complicating this op was the fact that in 2013 I had a aneursm repaired in the y portion of the aorta leading to my kidneys and they decided not to go through s o they transverse this area with great care. After the initial insertion I was allowed to be awake for the major portion of the op, and conversed with the Drs and staff as they worked their magic on my heart. They constantly monitored my responses to their questions as I spoke to members one of which was a musician . They "sanded" and "polished" both arteries on the left side of my heat and inserted stents. About 8.30 I was in my room with my family, I was released to go home the next afternoon, thurs. Here it is Mon the 25th and I feel great but am on limited house duty for the next 2 wks.

    This has been a long story just to get to this point. I along with many others was DRAFTED to serve our country in 1963 the Vietnam era. I have been in many situations where the hair would stand up on the back of your neck, but I was not afraid as I had my dads and moms prayers and my LORD was with me. Even when I was going through my medical problems and ops Jesus was my constant companion. I have blessed beyond measure and so may anyone that desires to be so. I apologize for being so long winded. I am now in full recovery mode and may everone of you be as blessed as I

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