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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Trim goes up by itself

    I know this has been discussed before and I know most will say it is probably the bow trim switch. I'm going to disconnect and see if that resolves the issue. However, I'm wondering if it might be the trim switch on the side of the motor. Reason I ask is this switch is constantly getting wet, while the bow switch only gets wet if it rains (or if you spear a wave). Anyone had the switch on the motor go bad/start acting up?

    I'm thinking about disconnecting both the bow and the one on the side of the engine just to see if the problem goes away the next time I go out. Will probably have to go out in the rain to really test it. Thoughts?

  2. Nitro Boats Moderator BMCD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Brookeland, Texas
    It happened to me, on my 2023. First rain storm. If I remember it was the bow trim switch.
    Bryan McDonough
    2023 Nitro Z21 XL
    Nitro Team

  3. Member
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    Aug 2007
    When it happened to you, were you able to hold the blinker trim down to keep it from continuing to trim up? That is what I did yesterday. When I turned the key on, it would start trimming up. With the key off, it wouldn't trim up on its own. I would trim the motor down with the key off, then hold the blinker trim down while starting the engine. Then I would continue to hold the blinker trim down while getting on plane. Once on plane, it seemed to stop trying to trim up by itself. I had to use the blinker trim to trim up as normal. Once I came off plane, it would trim up again unless I held down the blinker trim.

  4. Nitro Boats Moderator BMCD's Avatar
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    Brookeland, Texas
    I know I could make it stop by using the throttle trim button. Also turning the batt switch off. Luckily my problem was discovered when I was home.
    Bryan McDonough
    2023 Nitro Z21 XL
    Nitro Team

  5. Member
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    Smithfield KY
    Quote Originally Posted by waldo27 View Post
    When it happened to you, were you able to hold the blinker trim down to keep it from continuing to trim up? That is what I did yesterday. When I turned the key on, it would start trimming up. With the key off, it wouldn't trim up on its own. I would trim the motor down with the key off, then hold the blinker trim down while starting the engine. Then I would continue to hold the blinker trim down while getting on plane. Once on plane, it seemed to stop trying to trim up by itself. I had to use the blinker trim to trim up as normal. Once I came off plane, it would trim up again unless I held down the blinker trim.
    Exact same thing has happened to my 2019 Z19...twice. Had the first bow switch replaced under warranty (got wet in a rain storm) but had to pay for the second switch (went out on a random day but guessing moisture got in the housing). The second switch was supposed to be the "new and more water resistant" switch, but it still went out. Luckily, it's not causing the motor to automatically raise, so I'm just leaving it alone and not replacing it this time.

    In my opinion, based on the number of people who have had this same issue, this is definitely a design flaw on Nitro's part.
    “Without uncompromising faith, no miracle can ever occur.” - Stan Kellner

  6. Member
    Join Date
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    Dover, Ohio
    I'd say it's a design flaw by the manufacturer of the switch itself, not a design flaw by Nitro.