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  1. #1
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    God's Plan of Salvation

    Jesus Christ was with God the Father before the world was created. He became human and lived among humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. He came to show us what God the Father is like. He lived a sinless life, showing us how to live; and He died upon a cross to pay for our sins. God raised Him from the the dead.

    Jesus is the source of eternal life. Jesus wants to be the doorway to a new life for you. In the Bible He was called the "Lamb of God (John 1:29). In the Old Testament, sacrifices were made for the sins of the people. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb offered for your sin.

    Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man commeth unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) He is waiting for you now.

    Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent, turning away from your sin. (See Acts 3:19; Rom. 3:23, 6:23.)

    By faith receive Jesus Christ as God's Son and accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness from sin. He took the penalty for your sin by dying on the cross. (See John 3:16.)

    Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (See Rom 10:9-10, 13; 1 John 10:1:9.)

    You may pray a prayer similar to this as you call on God to save you: "Dear God, I know that You love me. I confess my sin and need salvation. I turn away from my sin and place my faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

    After you have received Jesus Christ into your life, tell a pastor or another Christian friend about your decision. Show others your faith in Christ by asking for baptism by immersion in your local church as a public expression of your faith.

    (From the Summer 2007, issue of "Open Windows" published by Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.)

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    Gen 6:5 The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was ONLY EVIL ALL THE TIME. (my emphasis)

    Eph 2:1 As for you, you were DEAD in your transgressions and sins, which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world... (my emphasis)

    I was not aware spiritually dead people made decisions. Is God the author of life? (y/n) Is God the author of spiritual life? (y/n)

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    A spiritually dead is is no longer dead in their transgressions an sins when they repent an accept the lord as their savior the lord wont taking our decision making away because he loves all an want all to have the chance to repent an yes GOD is the author of everything . ISAIAH 55:7 let the wicked forsake his way , and the unrighteous man his thoughts :and let him return unto the Lord ,and he will have mercy on him ; and to our God he will abundantly pardon

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    Quote Originally Posted by Travis hooper View Post
    A spiritually dead is is no longer dead in their transgressions an sins when they repent an accept the lord as their savior the lord wont taking our decision making away because he loves all an want all to have the chance to repent an yes GOD is the author of everything . ISAIAH 55:7 let the wicked forsake his way , and the unrighteous man his thoughts :and let him return unto the Lord ,and he will have mercy on him ; and to our God he will abundantly pardon
    Conversion is a good thing. Who is responsible? (gets credit) See verses above. Here's the problem. Decision theology ascribes to man something he does not have (goodness). Before conversion man is spiritually blind, dead, and an enemy of God. Decision theology also takes away from God something He claims as His own (conversion), that is, it paints man is a higher light and God in a lesser light. Sound familiar? Man always seeks to raise himself and diminish God. Man wants to be God. See Genesis--Adam and Eve. We cannot be saved by any of our works (works righteousness). ONLY Christ's blood can do that. Do not take man's natural state lightly. It is totally corrupt.*

    John 6:28-9 Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."

    --God calls conversion a work, His work. That glory should not be taken from Him.

    *I did not say those that practice decision theology are not saved. See Mark 16:16. They are simply wrong on this particular important point.

    Mark this: Man's 'free will' is always towards evil. Does Is 55:7 define who is responsible for conversion?--No, it does not. JOHN 6:28-20 does. We must consult the whole council of God's word.

    Isaiah 64:6 "...all our righteous acts are like filthy rags."---How bad is it? Even the works performed in faith (after conversion) are tainted by sin. YIKES!

    All the above only emphasize the depth of God's love thru Christ. Ponder this:

    Micah 7:18ff Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance. You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will...hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
    Last edited by msethsmile; 11-09-2017 at 09:26 AM.

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    The TRUTH! Amen

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    "Sanctify (make holy) them by the truth; your word is truth." John17:17.--the high priestly prayer. (my emphasis)

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    I made a point about certain denominations and decision theology. No denomination, including mine, has every single point of Christian theology correct. A pastor once said, "There will be a lot of flat foreheads in heaven, from saints knocking themselves and saying, 'So that's what God meant!'" Christ blood covers these sins too.

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    Amen that! I often say (to the point of everyone being bored to death with it I'm sure) when we get to heaven, Jesus is going to look at us and say, "You wasted all that time arguing about THAT when you should have been out doing what I told you to do...working to save souls.

    I also refer to a lot of these "arguments" as being "blue carpet/red carpet" arguments. The church I grew up in split many years ago over rather to buy blue carpet or red carpet. True story.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CajunBass View Post
    Amen that! I often say (to the point of everyone being bored to death with it I'm sure) when we get to heaven, Jesus is going to look at us and say, "You wasted all that time arguing about THAT when you should have been out doing what I told you to do...working to save souls.

    I also refer to a lot of these "arguments" as being "blue carpet/red carpet" arguments. The church I grew up in split many years ago over rather to buy blue carpet or red carpet. True story.
    Was it shag carpeting? my grandma had green shag in her formal parlor that I always wanted to mow, since it look like Kentucky long fescue grass.
    When we were in the process of building the current sanctuary, there was much ado about whether to have pews or chair? and a particular style? After I presented the cost valuation, all in favor of pews said Amen.

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    Sometimes, the split is over more serious matters. My denomination split from its parent over God's Election of the saints. Serious stuff. Over my head.

    As to no denomination having it totally right, true enough. That said, I belong to mine because it is the most scripturally truthful and also has the proper stance on biblical interpretation. The bar, the standard? Scripture.
    Last edited by msethsmile; 10-31-2020 at 09:34 AM.

  11. Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by msethsmile View Post
    Sometimes, the split is over more serious matters. My denomination split from its parent over God's Election of the saints. Serious stuff. Over my head.

    As to no denomination having it totally right, true enough. That said, I belong to mine because it is the most scripturally truthful and also has the proper stance on biblical interpretation. The bar, the standard? Scripture.
    I agree with your closing paragraph. That is the way to make a great choice for fellowship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CajunBass View Post
    (From the Summer 2007, issue of "Open Windows" published by Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.)
    Sorry - not with this. Something prepared by men as opposed to purely God's inspired word. If it would have stopped a little earlier it would have helped. I liked the other "salvation" sticky better I think, but obviously someone did not and deleted it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassfishinglawyer View Post
    Sorry - not with this. Something prepared by men as opposed to purely God's inspired word. If it would have stopped a little earlier it would have helped. I liked the other "salvation" sticky better I think, but obviously someone did not and deleted it.
    B F L
    Is something prepared by men inspired by the Word? and follows Christ's teachings? by the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
    My dear brethren in Christ, these are the questions I ask myself as I read or write anything pertaining the word of God, and if I am expressing my opinion, I make it clear that it is such though my words will follow the teachings of Christ.
    The only ones that can delete anything on the boards is Al Shields, the owner of the site, and the OP.
    Last edited by digthemup; 11-27-2022 at 07:20 PM. Reason: spelling

  14. Member
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    The Catholic Church is most correct and was founded by Christ himself. I feel sorry for all my protestant brothers when I hear them talk about denomination splitting and church shopping. You have no where to go when there is a disagreement. You just split and create your own personal truth and ask others to follow. Acting more like gods than servants.

    I ask all of you who are brave enough to challenge your bias against the Church. Why have so many prominent protestants converted when they grew tired of these arguments and did their research? Scott Hahn is most notable and has many books on the subject. "Rome Sweet Home" is the one to read. If you are all so sure your protestant faiths are correct then there should be no fear in reading it.
    '98 187 Elite, 175 EFI (Serial 0G750796)

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    Mr Coon,
    Most of my life I attended catholic school and church, with many in my family still attending catholic church, yet, you have made a very strong statement in your first sentence without giving any direct Scriptural reference as to where it states that Christ founded the catholic church or any other church for that matter.
    Perhaps, instead of feeling sorry, it would be helpful to guide and teach as Christ did with His followers, since He desired for them to obtain salvation and eternal life, which was the purpose for His Passion at the Cross. (John 3:16-18)
    If you would take the time to thoroughly understand those passages, you will notice that God does not offer salvation only to a selected religion, but it is clearly written for anyone to understand, without the need of interpretation by a priest or someone that loves to flaunt 'Dr' before their name, since pastor seems to be too menial. God is clear that His invitation to salvation is for everyone that is willing to follow the teaching of the One whom He sent as our Savior, Jesus the Christ, and Christ made His commandments very simple 'Love one another as I have loved you' just like His invitation.
    Matthew 11:28-30 King James Version (KJV)Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
    I am looking forward to those scriptural reference, so that we may have an interesting discussion about them without any prejudice, and welcome to our forum.

    In Christ's love,

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    Love you too Frank.

    I attended Catholic school and went to Catholic Church my entire life. It was not till very recently that I began to understand my faith and its roots. It is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Most Catholics are poorly formed and don't understand where they come from in the why. Same can be said for all dominations in reality. I am not in the place to sit here and give you the historical or theological answer. Others have done that much better which is why a reference the book. Is ultimately up to us to gain our own salvation. I can't do it for you or anyone else. I am not into treating the Bible like a deck of cards where one tidbit trumps another. Catholic we believe in the fullness of faith which encompasses all of what the Bible states and sacred tradition as taught by Christ.

    If you must know If the Catholic Church was the church that Christ founded look here:

    Secondly, never said you have to be Catholic to make it to heaven. That is not my belief or the Church's. Sure is a lot easier though.
    '98 187 Elite, 175 EFI (Serial 0G750796)

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.coon View Post
    Love you too Frank.

    I attended Catholic school and went to Catholic Church my entire life. It was not till very recently that I began to understand my faith and its roots. It is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Most Catholics are poorly formed and don't understand where they come from in the why. Same can be said for all dominations in reality. I am not in the place to sit here and give you the historical or theological answer. Others have done that much better which is why a reference the book. Is ultimately up to us to gain our own salvation. I can't do it for you or anyone else. I am not into treating the Bible like a deck of cards where one tidbit trumps another. Catholic we believe in the fullness of faith which encompasses all of what the Bible states and sacred tradition as taught by Christ.

    If you must know If the Catholic Church was the church that Christ founded look here:

    Secondly, never said you have to be Catholic to make it to heaven. That is not my belief or the Church's. Sure is a lot easier though.
    Dear brethren in Christ,
    I don't think anyone that uses Scriptural passages as references to Christ's teachings is in no way like a deck of cards, but it gives us a foundation to use Christ's words as He used the OT to teach from to His followers. Apart from the followers of Christ being called Christians at Antioch, Christ did not name any specific religion, unless during is peaching in the synagogues during His 3 yrs of peaching among the Hebrews, and I am sure that you are not trying to compare a magazine to the OT and the NT, though I am very pleased to see that you do understand religion is not necessary to receive salvation, only through believing Jesus is our Savior sent by God that by His blood we are cleansed of our sins.
    I consider myself a bondservant of Christ, as Paul proclaimed himself, and only by His blood at the Cross my sins are forgiven and my soul has been healed.
    Do to my current health situation, I have fully set my live in the Father's right hand of righteousness, and by His mercy and the Grace of Christ I pray the my health will be restored.
    I would consider a personal favor if you and yours would keep me in your prayers to our Lord for healing and guidance to the Drs helping me during these challenging times in mine and my family lives.
    In Christ's love,

  18. Member drifter106's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.coon View Post
    The Catholic Church is most correct and was founded by Christ himself. I feel sorry for all my protestant brothers when I hear them talk about denomination splitting and church shopping. You have no where to go when there is a disagreement. You just split and create your own personal truth and ask others to follow. Acting more like gods than servants.

    I ask all of you who are brave enough to challenge your bias against the Church. Why have so many prominent protestants converted when they grew tired of these arguments and did their research? Scott Hahn is most notable and has many books on the subject. "Rome Sweet Home" is the one to read. If you are all so sure your protestant faiths are correct then there should be no fear in reading it.
    Excellent post Mr. Coon.

    I know of many Protestants that go "shopping for a place of worship". It mainly depends on the stature of the Pastor.
    Sacred Heart of Mary, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death. AMEN
    O blood and water which gush forth from the heart of Jesus, have mercy on us
    For the sake of his sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the whole world

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