Anybody hung Raptors on a 2020 F205 out there? Wondering if you have to buy the spacer that goes between the side of the jack plate and the brace.
Anybody hung Raptors on a 2020 F205 out there? Wondering if you have to buy the spacer that goes between the side of the jack plate and the brace.
Don't know about Raptors. Have two PP Blades attached to JP on a 2022 F205 w/o problems. New subject: when you open the throttle does your bow lift up to around a 45 deg. angle? That's what my Merc 250 Pro XS with a 23" Fury does. Tried a 24"Bravo XS with a little improvement. Still trying to reduce the bow lift. Any ideas?
Same on the PP but taking those off and replacing with Raptors. I run a Tempest Plus, don't think I quite get 45 degree's. The hole shot with this prop over the Fury 23 that came on it seems to be better.
They fit fine on my F20 TE.
2022 Falcon F20 TE Hybrid - 250 Mercury Pro XS
Not a pro - barely an average Joe!
looks like just a bracket. No spacer. IMG_1390.jpeg
2022 Falcon F20 TE Hybrid - 250 Mercury Pro XS
Not a pro - barely an average Joe!
He’s probably talking about the spacer between the brackets and jack plate. the spacer will move the poles outward so the engine doesn’t hit the poles while turning the engine.
I have a 6 inch jack plate, so I have to use the spacers.