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  1. Member
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    Going to see it through this month, because I know this stuff takes time0, but the needle isn't really trending down now. Same caloric intake. Inflammation in arms seemed to reduce early this week, needle moved but soreness from this weeks (good sore, not painful like last week) has moved in, and needle moved back up a smidge.

    Just want to get through a month of it, see what happens, and adjust from there. Weights 3 days a week with a 1.6mi walk/jog/walk cool down afterwards, and a little more jogging occasionally on Tue and/or Thursdays. Rest on the weekends. A bit frustrating, even though it's normal. Just trying to trust the process, as weight loss is the MAIN goal right now, not strength building, but I also don't want to get too far behind the 8-ball on strength, while losing. So we'll re-evaluate first week of Sept and adjust from there.

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    Did 6k Thursday after lifting. Felt good, and although time was a lot left to be desired, I had moments where I felt like I could keep running even though the timer (couch to 5k program) had me stopping to walk.

    I'm sure I lost some water weight this weekend. I didn't stay as hydrated as I probably should, as weekends usually have me busier than the week, and I don't have my water at my desk constantly drinking it. Either way, I'll take it.

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  4. Member
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    Keep at it, you're doing great!

  5. Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowboater View Post

    Keep at it, you're doing great!

    Not a lot of change for the effort that’s going in. Shape is changing some so that’s good. I complain that the numbers aren’t moving much, and I’m in a decent deficit, but in reality, it’s at a healthy pace, so I’m alright with that. Overall fitness is improving.

    I do 1.5mi after lifting MWF, jogging at least a mile of that. Tue/Th I do 3.7mi. Although my pace was slightly slower Thursday than Tuesday, I jogged the whole way. Tuesday I took a 1:00 walk break part way through, and still bested my 5k time. Looking back at the tracks, I see where I was “jogging”, but more or less moving at a walking pace.

    Today’s number is 229.9lb

    Starting to dial in nutrition too. Daughter plays volleyball and a couple evenings I’ve had terrible choices for dinner. Still within my caloric deficit, but just super processed, and all carbs, which aren’t bad, but my workouts are at lunch time, and I have zero gas in the tank even though I had breakfast just prior.

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    Not sure what to tweak or if I even need to tweak. Calories have stayed in deficit according to my tracking. This past week started my lift cycle over again, and was a "big" week. I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1. "Big week" meaning I'm starting a new cycle which added 20lb to lower body lifts, 10lb to upper body lifts, and 5x the prescribed sets. Also added in an extra set (10x) of the same accessory work I did last cycle.
    Not sure if body is holding on to fluid/building muscle or what. Mirror/photos show improvement, as does my belt line slightly. Running improved last week with PR on 5k, PR on longest distance ran to date, and PR on fastest mile. MWF after lifting I do a 1.5-1.6mi loop, usually giving it what I have for the first mile, continuing the remaining 0.4-0.5 back to the parking lot if I'm feeling it, otherwise just using the last 0.5 to walk and cool off. Tue/Thur is my "long" run. Typically it's been 3.7mi, but Thursday I wanted a change of scenery and switched it up and it was 4.03. Was able to maintain at least a jogging pace for the entirety. Not bad considering a month ago I couldn't go 500yds without being absolutely winded and exhausted. I think a lot of that has just been the mental break through of needing to break up the lactic acid in my legs, and learning my heart isn't going to explode (yet). Last Monday I had a pretty good crash in energy on the short loop after lifting. I'm sure the new load and heavier weights attributed to it. I've had a couple crashes, so to speak, on the short run days, and have been able to attribute them to poor nutrition and/or sleep the night before due to being at the high school the night before all evening for my daughter's volleyball game. Have learned to abate that by breaking the "no food after 8pm" rule, but it's a balancing act to make sure it's not so much, so late, that my acid reflux goes wild.

    I'll go through this week and see what happens with weight, and adjust from there.

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    I'm gonna jump on this for the heck of it. August 11th I got on the scales at 348.8. My daughter who is 13 asked me when we were going down the road what she should do if I had a heart attack while I was driving. I decided right then enough was enough. Started Carnivore that day and today on 09/19 I weighted in at 312.2 so I'm down 36 pounds in a little over a month and feel great.

  8. Member
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    Excellent news vandamit! Keep up the good work.

    224.5, though I expect that to rise slightly in the coming days

  9. Member
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    New England
    Keep at it guys, you're both doing great! Life has me in "maintain" mode rather than focus on losing mode. Sure hope things straighten out pretty soon. I'm hanging at 218 pretty well but would like to drop a few more before winter sets in.

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