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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Las Vegas, NV

    Prop or jack plate? 2019 Ranger z185/150proxs


    I asked about this when I first got this boat used, but now I'm ready to waste my money.

    I purchased a 2019 z185 with a proxs 150. It has a 23p Tempest+ on it. Going off my memory, Prop to pad was 3.75" guesstimate from just using a straight edge on the pad and measuring down from there to the center of prop. Motor is mounted in the center holes. The prop does not appear damaged other than a tiny bit of scuffing from powering it onto the trailer. Hole shot is fine. Top speed seems really slow. I am getting 5800RPM at around 45MPH with 2 people and gear. I got it up to 48MPH once. (Measured with Tach and GPS).

    I tried a Fury 24 from a prop shop just to see if it would make any difference, and while the RPMS were way lower, I was able to get the SAME top speed.

    The guy i bought the boat from added an Ultrex, a 12-inch graph along with a 9 inch on the bow and put lithium batteries in the back. It seemed I couldn't get any decent trim at any speed, but I added (2) 50lb deadlift weights in the back of the boat to test, and it helped the trim significantly.

    Driving the boat up to maybe about 38MPH I have a lot of ability to trim the boat, all the way up until it is porpoising. At full throttle, the bow seems to be sucked down too much for trim to do really anything. I just cant seem to get the boat to want to lift up at full throttle.

    My question is:

    Jack plate OR different prop first?
    Should I get the prop worked on?
    If I go the jack plate route, what offset should I get? Im guessing the only popular options are bobs and atlas? I'm hoping the motor further back helps with the balance.

    Thanks for your input.

  2. Moderator 21XDC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Westland Michigan
    Try a 22-23P Bravo1 first.

    Marks Props 317-398-9294, 1850 East 225 South, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176

  3. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    ponchatoula la
    A 23 bravo1 fs. Is the best I found for my 518 ranger. Good bow lift

  4. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Las Vegas, NV
    Ok thanks for the suggestions with the Bravo1 fs. Hopefully I can find a place that has one in Vegas that I can rent/borrow first.

    From what ive seen so far about them is thats a 23 bravo1 would perform like a 22 tempest? So i would get a few more rpms which is probably good. Ill probably try the 23p bravo 1 FS if somewhere around here has one.

  5. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Drums PA
    A Solas Scorpion with 1 pitch less than what you are running? These props have good bow lift.
    2020 Vexus AVX 1880
    Evinrude E-Tec 135 HO

  6. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Las Vegas, NV
    I like the price on the solas scorpion. I'll have to look into them also.