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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Rochester, NY

    Power Pole issue

    I noticed over the weekend when I turned on the master breaker, one of the pumps seems to be running. Since the pole was all the way up, I assumed it was the up sequence. I checked every remote and switch, and nothing was touching any of them. I lowered the poles in the driveway and raised them. Issue solved, so I thought. When fishing yesterday, the same pole kept deploying about a third of the way down. It would raise fully upon button press. I did a purge sequence thinking it must be air, but it happened three more times during the day. I do bungee them securely when trailering, but once I got home, I saw the bungees were stretched as the pole was trying to deploy once again. I checked for leaks and found none, cap is tight, fittings are tight, and reservoir is full. Any ideas????

  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Download the C-Monster app. Use the Diagnostics part of it when connected to your poles to see if it's electrically calling for deployment, which it sounds like it is. This would be my first step. Second would be take that info and talk to PP. They will help you out.

  3. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Rochester, NY
    I have the app, and never thought of checking it. I talked to PP support. He suggested taking out the circuit board, removing one of the screws to see if there was fluid on it. I removed the board but there is no way those screws are coming out. At some point the Phillips heads were chewed up by someone else trying to remove them.